Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Today I got a phone call from Manchester. It turns out, there is a lot more I have to do before I go there. The nice woman at the other end explained to me that I won’t be paid by Shell directly… Apparently Shell pays her company, and they pay another company which in turn pays me. So am I now working for 3 companies? Time will tell. She told me that I had to choose an umbrella company to pay my wages and she gave me a list. “Pick the one who pays the most” she said. Fair enough, so tonight I will go over the companies and see who pays the most.

I still haven’t gotten hold of the guy who has my apartment in Manchester which worried me a bit. Because of that I haven’t ordered a ticket yet, but I think I better do it anyway because I am leaving on Sunday. I’m supposed to start Monday at 7.30am so I better get things sorted out before then. Oh I just found a great thing; my pay will increase every 6 months. I didn’t know that. I thought my wage would increase after 6 months and then on a yearly basis. Needless to say, this is much better!

Kei, my better half, came up with a wonderful idea. Every day we will take a picture of ourselves and send each other. That way it’ like we get to see each other every day. I just loved that idea! Thanks Kei! For long distance relationships, that idea is golden! Things are going really well for me these days. Just need to stay grounded so I don’t fly away.

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