Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Number 80

What happens when you put an easy to please guy into a workplace with free vending machines? I am the victim of some sort of science experiment. It’s like a Big Brother show in there. It started innocently enough with some black tea, light, no sugar. That worked great the first few days, and hey, it’s free. So one day I wanted to try something different so I added a little strength to the tea and some sugar. It was good, different, but little did I know the evil path it lead me on.

There it was… Number 80 Tomato Soup. I thought why not and pressed it with an adventurous joy. In a standard white plastic cup came the sweetest of soups. The red liquid was almost hypnotizing and then I tasted it. Maybe it was something about that day, but it was simply amazing. During the next days there were a few more Number 80 Tomato Soup, and I was happy. Then someone whispered in my ear today: Psst, the soup is different in the various vending machines. My heart stopped for a second. Could it be? More soup delight?

Sure enough, in one vending machine there was Number 80 Vegetable Soup. As I sipped calmly to my Number 80 Vegetable Soup she told me a tale of another vending machine with chicken soup. It was like finding lost gold, does this goodness never ends I thought. The Number 80 Vegetable Soup was a great success and there will be songs of great tales about it. Later that day I had a chance to check out the Number 80 Chicken Soup. It smelled chicken, was a bit lighter in color than the Number 80 Vegetable Soup but it tasted almost the same. A bit disappointed, I thought my soup loving days were over. The same person who told me about the chicken soup came over to me and told me that the quality of the soup varies from machine to machine. Oh joy! And there are like 10 of them there.

Well today I came to a disappointing conclusion. It’s just because it’s free. I’m not really addicted to soup. If they charged me for it, I wouldn’t even touch the stuff.

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