Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Option A or option B

Today in training, one of the team coaches came to tell us what they did and what they expect of us. One interesting part of his presentation was how to get to where we want to be in the company. He told us an inspiring story of Miriam who had been a helpdesk analyst for 7 months when she got promoted. He really inspired me, and it seemed possible to go places in this company. He mentioned what kind of people they were looking for. He had 11 points, but one point was especially important, pro-active. He went on and on how being pro-active will get us places, getting noticed by the ones in charge. He said there were lots of excellent analysts, but the ones who stood out where the ones who contributed to the company in other ways as well.

I sat there thinking to myself that I can do this, no problem. What kind of worker do I want to be here? I have the option to do really well, get noticed and get a higher position in a huge company or I have the option of just being a ground floor worker. At first the choice was easy, obvious. I wanted to be the best and move up. The more I thought about it, I kind of disliked it. I got a feeling that if I wanted to the top I had to step on some toes, I might have to be a person I wouldn’t like to be. I know for a fact that other people in the company value money and power. If I took that away from them, what kind of person would I be?

Also I don’t know the future, except I need it to be with Kei. If I strive after better positions, I am actively seeking a long career there. I’m not sure how long I will be there. I got a lot of thinking to do. Speaking of thinking. I was no concentrating at all today. Every time I tried, I just felt the presence of Kei. It was powerful. Still the stuff they teach me, I already know, so I can afford to think about my favorite subject. We talked again today, and it turns out that the flowers I ordered to her wasn’t the one that arrived. Normally that would be a bad thing, but I can forgive them in this case. Kei loved the flowers and she will take a picture of them so I can see what they look like, haha.

How’s everybody?

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