Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The seconds are ticking away

Sometimes I wish I could record my life, so I could go back and watch certain things. I want to know what I did January 5th at 3:15pm 1987 for some reason. Play my life like a movie, rewind and fast forward. Life is passing by us so fast, and most of our moments in life are quickly forgotten. I don't remember when I swam in the ocean for the first time or when I hugged my grandma for the last time. These are memories I wish I could just bring back whenever I wanted, but they are buried deep in my subconscious somewhere.

I wonder when I ate chicken wings for the first time. What was it like? I know that I love chicken wings, but it would be great to taste them for the first time again. I can't even remember what I had for lunch last Tuesday. Living in the moment, sensing every moment, enjoying it, be thankful for it. That is the ideal, but it doesn't work that way.

I saw the movie 'Next' with Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore and Jessica Biel yesterday. It's about a guy who can see 2 minutes into the future. Interesting idea, but the movie was flawed. They could have done so much more with it. The scope felt so small. Time is always interesting though. I love movies that deal with it in some way. I remember I watched a movie called 'Déjà Vu' with Denzel Washington earlier this year. That was a great movie and a great soundtrack too.

Time, where does it go? Does it just cease to exist once the moment has passed? Are we all synchronized or do we all live in slightly different time bubbles? Time that has not happened yet is very interesting. When the future becomes the present and past in the blink of an eye. Fascinating....

Yesterday’s gym practice was more intense than ever. I felt knackered after I was done, thought I had overdone it. I broke all my records though, but I think I have to be careful not overdoing it and I must remember to enjoy every moment, because today will be a memory by tomorrow.

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