Monday, September 10, 2007

The worst haircut in the world

Have you ever had a haircut so bad that when you walk in front of a mirror you either laugh hysterically or run away screaming/crying? Well, that’s what happened to me yesterday. I was just going to cut a little because I like my new long hair so I went to this local gents barber shop. It only cost 6 pounds but it was the worst haircut ever! I looked like a priest or Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber… It was so ridiculous I started laughing hysterically, and then I realized that this was bad. I am going to work today, that means people will see this abomination. So I went to another hairdresser to undo whatever damage the previous hairdresser had done. It cost 11.50 this time, but my god it was soooo worth it. Still, all my long hair is gone and I have short hair again. It looks ok, but I prefer the long hair. Can’t wait until I get long hair again. I don’t know what to do with my hair. Every time I cut my hair, it’s the same haircut, and it never looks good.

In order to protect the innocent (me) I am not posting pictures :D.

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